Duizendblad in de Kruidwis

kruidwis - Foto: AnneTanneDuizendblad is ook van oudsher één van de beschermende kruiden die gebruikt werden voor het samenstellen van de bloementuilen die in heel wat streken in Europa in augustus geplukt werden.

In oorsprong was het wellicht een tuil die geplukt werd in de periode van de eerste graanoogst, die gewoonlijk begin augustus valt. De tuil werd op de eerste schoof gebonden, en moest de familie in het komende jaar beschermen. Waarschijnlijk is het een gebruik dat al in voorschristelijke tijden bestond, maar gekerstend werd tot ‘Hemelvaartstuilen’, die je terugvindt in streken in Oostenrijk, Duitsland, Zwitserland… en die we in Limburg (en wellicht elders in Nederland en België?) als kruidwis, kruidwesch, kroetwusch…

De samenstelling van de ruikers varieerde van streek tot streek, en bestond uit die kruiden die ter plekke als beschermend, als anti-magisch werden beschouwd. Naargelang de regio kon zo’n ruiker zeven tot negenennegentig verschillende planten bevatten (die 99 lijkt mij wel rijkelijk veel…).
Altijd zaten daar een aantal vaak sterkruikende kruiden bij, die beschouwd werden als anti-magisch. Duizendblad is daar één van, maar ook bijvoet, alsem en citroenkruid (drie artemisiasoorten), boerenwormkruid, alant, koningskaars… hoorden bij deze zogenaamde donderplanten.
In sommige streken werden ook graanaren aan de ruiker toegevoegd, en tuinbloemen zoals Dahlia en guldenroede waarvan de bloei in augustus pas goed op gang komt. Ook bladeren van de walnoot vind je wel eens in de tuilen terug.
De ruiker werd soms samengebonden met een rank van bitterzoet.

Traditioneel werd de ruiker geplukt op de donderdag voor Maria-Hemelvaart (15 augustus), en er werd wel eens verlangd dat je de planten plukte en de tuil schikte zonder dat je ijzer mocht raken, of zonder erbij te spreken. Op Hemelvaartsdag zelf, werd de Kruidwis in de kerk gezegend, en vervolgens opgehangen in huis en stal, om die in het komende jaar vooral tegen onweer te beschermen. Soms werd daartoe tijdens een onweer een stukje van de tuil in het vuur gegooid.

Tot nu toe heb ik voor België en Nederland alleen bronnen gevonden die spreken over Kruidwissen in Limburg, en over Reinevaartuilen (boerenwormkruid) in sommige streken in Wallonië. Ik zou het leuk vinden te horen of er in andere streken gelijkaardige tradities bestaan.

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2 thoughts on “Duizendblad in de Kruidwis

  1. Jouw artikel herinnert er mij aan dat ik een vers boeket ‘boerenwormkruid’ in de stenen kruik zet…vandaag nog! Dit jaar hebben wij er een overvloed van…

  2. Over de kruidwis vond ik een hoofdstukje in “Folklore van wilde planten” door Philippe van Wersch, blz. 11 tot 19. De kruidwis, lees ik, komt voor in Noordoost-België, Midden- en Zuid-Limburg, Rijnland, Oostenrijk en Zwitserland. Maar ook in Polen en (voorheen) Tsjecho-Slowakije. Verder leuke informatie. Als je deze tekst nog niet kent en je vindt het de moeite waard, kan ik dit scannen. De scans zal ik je apart toesturen. Als je me een blanco mailtje stuurt, zodat ik het adres weet waar ik de scans naartoe kan zenden?

    Wat betreft duizendblad, de volgende link geeft goede informatie over de geneeskrachtige eigenschappen:

    Duizendblad is ook een van de bloesemremedies in de serie Californische remedies:
    Yarrow Achillea millefolium (white)
    Positive qualities: Luminous and strong auric field, compassionate and inclusive sensitivity, refined and flexible psychic forces
    Patterns of imbalance: Extreme vulnerability to others and to the environment; easily depleted, overly absorbent of negative influences, psychic toxicity

    En samen met een paar andere planten (Arnica en Echinacea) een speciale remedie, zie:

    Yarrow has been known historically as a warrior’s herb, with such traditional names as “Soldier’s Wound Wort” and “Knight’s Millefoil.” The genus name Achillea refers to the Greek warrior Achilles, whose soldiers carried the herb into battle for psychic protection as well as to staunch the bleeding of wounds. Even its form, a canopy of white flowers, suggests a protective “umbrella” of white light.

    Yarrow flower essence has become one of the most widely acclaimed FES essences since it was first prepared in 1978. It has been used extensively with individuals who feel “vulnerable” (literally: “able to be wounded”) to the influences of others and their environment. It “knits together” an overly porous aura – the envelope of vital energy that surrounds and protects the body. It encourages a healthy sense of Self, imparting strength, integrity, and clarity of consciousness typical of members of the Composite family.

    YES is formulated from three different variations of the Yarrow plant, along with two related allies in the same plant family—Echinacea and Arnica. All of these plants are members of the Composite (Asteraceae) family, recognized as exceptional for their finely detailed geometric patterns and strong, enduring structures. As herbs they have numerous valuable qualities for enhancing the immune response. Working together in YES, these plants perform in a synergistic manner to strengthen the integrity of the immune system and clarity of consciousness with the human individuality.

    Yarrow Herb and Flower Essences
    Achillea millefolium, Achillea millefolium var. rubra, Achillea filipendulina

    Yarrow flower essence has become one of the most widely acclaimed FES essences since it was first prepared in 1978. It has been used extensively with individuals who feel “vulnerable” (literally: “able to be wounded”) to the influences of others and their environment. It “knits together” an overly porous aura – the envelope of vital energy that surrounds and protects the body. It encourages a healthy sense of Self, imparting strength, integrity, and clarity of consciousness typical of members of the Composite family.

    The Yarrow flowers are the very heart of the YES formula, with qualities that unite and harmonize the essential polarities of both Arnica and Echinacea. With its fine feathery leaves and highly attenuated umbel-like blossoms, the Yarrow plant is an extraordinary picture of soul sensitivity. As the soul mediates between body and spirit, so does the Yarrow plant integrate both light and form in a most remarkable way. Its role in this formula is to allow the soul, or middle realm of the human being to remain sensitive and in touch with its feeling life, but in such a way that these soul qualities are neither blunted by the harshness of the modern technological world, or made so diffuse and porous as to stymie the vital expression of the individual. Arnica and Echinacea act as anchors from the polarities of body and spirit, to facilitate the full unfoldment of soul forces which the Yarrow so uniquely bestows. Finally, within this essential trinity is still another exquisite trine within the Yarrow flowers themselves of white, pink and golden flowers to balance the energetic structures of the soul.

    Arnica Flower Essence Arnica mollis

    Arnica is a well-known herbal and homeopathic remedy for shock and trauma, particularly when there is damage to soft tissue. Often, when we are in a situation of physical or psychic trauma, we separate our awareness from our bodies as a way of coping with pain.

    Arnica flower essence is widely used for deep-seated shock or trauma which may become locked into the body and prevent full physical recovery, and for many puzzling psychosomatic illnesses which do not respond to obvious treatment. Arnica can also be used on a short-term first-aid basis to allow rapid recovery from trauma.

    The Arnica plant, with its bright yellow sun-like blossoms and fluid leafy structure, grows close to the earth in moist mountain habitats; it is the very picture of spiritual forces which are well integrated with the physical and etheric realms. Thus Arnica flower essence particularly addresses the physical and etheric bodies by helping to bring spiritual forces from the heights down and into the body.

    Echinacea Herb and Flower Essence Echinacea purpurea

    Echinacea is a powerful herb native to the American Midwest. It is known as an immune system enhancer, and is used widely as an herbal tincture to increase resistance to cold, flu, and other infectious diseases.

    Just as the immune system is an expression of the integrity of the physical body, protecting it against what would harm or destroy it, so our sense of Self or individuality expresses spiritual integrity. The flower essence of Echinacea is used for the many challenges on our Self-hood. The anonymity of modern civilization, along with countless other mechanizing and alienating forces such as acts of crime, violence, and sexual or emotional degradation, can shatter the dignity of the Self. Echinacea flower essence stimulates and awakens the true inner Self, and restores the soul’s self-identity and wholeness in relationship to the Earth and to the human family.

    The Echinacea plant demonstrates movement from the ground of matter into the pole of Spirit. It flourishes on the level ground of the open prairie, with a strong vertical gesture upward. The magenta-purple blossoms emerge from a fiery orange cone-like bristle, growing on a sturdy stem with tough, rigid leaves. The Echinacea is a vivid expression of physical forces which have lifted or resurrected themselves out of hardened matter into spirit.

    History of Yarrow Environmental Solution

    The idea for a “radiation remedy” came from the late Dr. Aubrey Westlake of England, who experimented with combinations of English flower remedies in salt water. In personal correspondence with us, he described such a remedy as “indicated when there is reason to think that the patient may have had an overdose of radiation from nuclear fallout…[or other forms or radiation]. In these cases the remedy appears to work therapeutically on the etheric body, and not directly on the physical.” During a visit in his home in Hampshire in 1984, we shared with Dr. Westlake the idea of using Yarrow essence as a further formulation of the radiation remedy, an idea which he enthusiastically supported.

    In 1986, after the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster in Europe, we received numerous requests for a remedy that could help counteract the devitalizing effects of the radiation. We prepared Yarrow Special Formula for practitioners working near Chernobyl and other affected European countries, with many favorable results.

    In 2003, we added the essences of Pink Yarrow and Golden Yarrow to further strengthen the formula, and it was renamed Yarrow Environmental Solution.

    Solution flower essences of Yarrow Achillea millefolium, Pink Yarrow Achillea millefolium var. rubra, Golden Yarrow Achillea filipendulina, Arnica mollis, and Echinacea purpurea, with Yarrow and Echinacea tinctures, in a sea salt water base
    Positive qualities: Physical and etheric vitality, self-regulating and adaptive immune response to environmental stresses
    Patterns of imbalance: Disturbance of life-force and vitality by noxious radiation, pollution, or other geopathic stress; residual effects of past exposure; dysfunctional immune response; allergic hypersensitivity


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